
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rev. Al Sharpton to be Honored at 'Stars of NY Dance' in Brooklyn

The 5th annual Stars of NY Dance at LIU in Brooklyn is honoring the Rev. Al Sharpton this year.  The star-studded event takes place on Friday, Nov. 7, with a Who's Who of presenters, stars and dancers.

In the event, Brooklyn leaders, partnered with professional dancers, dance to raise dance scholarship funds for underserved children in Brooklyn.  

Errol Louis (NY1) is hosting the affair. Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson is a special presenter.

City Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo is one of this year's stars. This year's dancers include Jamel Gaines, of Dance Theatre of Brooklyn, and Germaul Barnes of the Bed-Stuy Restoration Corp.

Last year's winner was the Honorable Betty Staton, executive director at the Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Legal Services.
Check out this video of her dancing

Here's (now-Public Advocate) Letitia Jame's high-spirited dance back in 2011.

Here's Scott Stringer's attempt (God bless his soul...)

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