
Monday, December 15, 2014

More on Millions March NYC . . . Gracie Mansion is Next...

Marchers at Union Square. Photos by MK Metz
 Thousands joined the Millions March NYC, which started in Manhattan at Washington Square Park and wound through Union Square on Saturday. By the time darkness fell, the crowd had swelled to between 25,000 to 30,000, according to various news reports.

Senior citizens march for the cause.
The amazing thing was the mixture of all ages and races.

As the evening wore on, some of the protesters stayed in Manhattan, while others streamed over the bridges into Brooklyn.

The mood was good -- until some a**hole got crazy on the Brooklyn Bridge and tried to throw a metal garbage can at police officers. When police went after him, a mini-riot erupted, which ended up with two cops on the ground getting kicked by some of the protesters. One cop's nose was broken.

Marchers coming off the Brooklyn Bridge walkway onto Tillary St.
Arrested for fomenting the melee was Eric Linsker, an adjunct English professor at Baruch College.

According to the University of Iowa Press, "Eric Linsker holds degrees from Harvard and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His poems have appeared in Boston Review, Chicago Review, Conjunctions, and Lana Turner. " He lives in Crown Heights.

According to CBS, Linsker's attorney called the charges bogus.

Police net at Tillary and Brooklyn Bridge Blvd.
After marchers exited the Brooklyn Bridge, a police net caused them to head up Tillary Street to Flatbush. All traffic ground to a halt while the street was filled with chanting protesters.

Protestors march right up Tillary to Flatbush. Photos by MK Metz
The group split up -- some marched along Atlantic, some on Smith Street -- and then recombined at Barclays Center for a couple of different die-ins.

According to the Brooklyn Eagle, police estimated that 2,000 demonstrators participated in the largest one. Another group, estimated at 1,500 by police, held a die-in in the middle of Eastern Parkway near Nostrand.

What's next? Word is protesters are unhappy that Mayor de Blasio refuses to meet with a group of them -- so they're going to the Mayor... tonight.

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