
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Political Tidbits: NY's 'Dumbest Pol,' CB Term Limits, Cuomo and More

- State Senator Simcha Felder is called "New York's dumbest pol" by the Albany Project after suggesting that the recent hike in high profile crimes in Brooklyn is due to local police officers being sent to handle Eric Garner protests in Manhattan. Felder wants Cuomo to send in the National Guard to handle the protestors . . .

- The New York City Council will  see a bill on term limits introduced -- this time for community boards, says Gotham Gazette. Members would be limited to two 6-year terms. Council Member Dromm told GG: "I applaud those people who spend 30 or 40 years on a community board, and I thank them for service. But I do think we need to move things around."

- New York City public schools can no longer call 911 and send disruptive students to emergency rooms, reports WNYC. It turns out roughly 3,000 NYC kids a year -- with no medical emergencies -- are sent to the ER by teachers who can't deal with them.

- What's New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo doing for the holidays this year? He's busting a union that endorsed his primary challenger, Zephyr Teachout. Daily Kos says this union-busting move is pretty bold, even for Cuomo.

- New York taxpayers are on track to spend over $1 million to help state lawmakers keep details of their outside jobs secret, reports Capital NY.

- Russia is so screwed, says Slate. And maybe Obama's sanctions have something to do with it, says Politico.

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