
Friday, April 22, 2016

Last Week to Register for Make Music New York

 Make Music New York is a live, free musical celebration on June 21, with over 1,200 concerts on streets, sidewalks, and parks across the five boroughs.

Musicians -- this is the last week to register to be part of this fantabulous event!

Anyone and everyone can participate. Amateurs, part-time professionals, and established artists are all welcome.

If you have an outdoor location where you’d like to host a concert (such as the sidewalk outside of your building), this is also the last week to register. Event organizers will match up venues with musicians.

Musicians can also join a “Mass Appeal” event. MMNY organizes hundreds of musicians to band together to perform massive pieces written for a single type of instrument. Each performance works differently, depending on the genre, the instrument, and the location.

In another offshoot, MMNY will present Sousapalooza, a massive, brassy tribute to the March King in Bryant Park. They’ll be running through all the best-loved marches and fanfares by Philip Sousa and his contemporaries.

More information here.

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