
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Smith Street: Zombies? Performance Art?

So we spotted a half a dozen pedestrians standing motionless at the corner of Smith Street and Second Place, near the infamous 360 Smith Street. It was hot. The pedestrians didn't move. The minutes ticked by.

Then suddenly, as if they had communicated telepathically, they all hustled off at the same moment and ran down the nearby F train subway steps.

It wasn't till we turned around that we discovered the hidden meaning of this mysterious migration.

We'd heard you could see the F train from a stop on Smith Street but this was the first time we'd seen it in action.

More about Smith Street here.

Photos by MK Metz


  1. This is pretty funny. I've never heard of this blog before and someone at work forwarded this to me asking "is this you?". Indeed, I'm the front and center zombie commuter. It's a nice way to wait for the train. You people watch, enjoy the breeze, read a bit of your New Yorker, get some last breaths of fresh air... And then, yes, everyone spins around in unison, dances down the stairs, swipes their cards and arrives on the platform just as the train pulls in. It's beautiful.

    That's great -- We were wondering if any of the commuters pictured here would come to light. There's been quite a lot of attention to this photo, so your mom will probably be calling you soon.
    Thanks for checking in.

  3. If you try this with a 4-car G train, be prepared to hit the platform at a running to get to the middle in time.

  4. I have been a zombie at this stop more than once.

  5. I heard the developer was going to cut down the trees when they redo this whole plaza. Is this true?!

  6. BJ -

    Yes, the developer is going to cut down the trees. And then he's going to put a big (18-story?) apartment tower on top of the entire plaza, so you'll have to enter the station through the building, as one does at Rockefeller Center. How Brooklyn is that?
