
Monday, June 8, 2009

Atlantic Avenue ArtWalk09

Atlantic Avenue ArtWalk09 planners couldn't have asked for a finer weekend, perfectly suited for strolling up and down the avenue. We missed the live music and film screenings, but did visit many galleries and studios on Sunday. There was a good crowd, even late in the day, and the cafes did a lot of business. Here are a few things we enjoyed --

Cannonball Press at Axelle Gallery made a big splash at this year's ArtWalk with their giant cash register, "The Zero Sum Game." The register's buttons say things like "Foreclosed," "Ponzi scheme," "Downsized," and "Trashed Savings."

It's fascinating to see how Cannonball/Axelle produces their and 4' x 8' prints prints; if you missed the upstairs production facilities, make sure to get up to the 3rd floor next year.

Here's one of a series from the Clover Cafe and Gallery. This is the first time we've been inside Clover, and we recommend a visit anytime you're in the neighborhood. Foolishly, we didn't find out the name of the artist -- can someone fill us in?

An everyday scene on Atlantic, ArtWalk or no ArtWalk.

We loved these little guys sitting on a shelf at the Atlantic Antique Center. Can't put our finger on where we've seen them before. Are they some kind of commercial figure?

Photos by MK Metz

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  1. It looks a little bit like one of those "I'm just a bill" characters. That or a frumpy looking Barbapapa.

  2. Weren't they cooking figures like the Pillsbury Dough Boy?
