
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fireworks New York, Brooklyn Saturday, June 13, 2009

Those booming fireworks heard over Brooklyn and lower Manhattan Saturday night were for Children's Day at the South Street Seaport, hosted by Gordon from Sesame Street, sponsored by Target. The Brooklyn Philharmonic also performed.

UPDATE: Where to see the 2009 July 4 fireworks in Brooklyn.

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. Those were awesome. Great surprise - although a little late for children's day, we woke ours up when it all started.

  2. I thought it was a dry run for July 4th! I get jaded on fireworks since I see them from my apartment, but these were great and went on for a really long time, too. Nice.

  3. Holy fireworks!!! These were amongst the BEST my boyfriend and I have ever seen ... and we have seen MANY!!

  4. We were driving on the BQE and pulled over right under the promenade to watch. There were many other cars doing the same. I agree that they were some of the best and the longest fireworks I have ever seen. Man, I love NYC.

  5. thanks for posting on this -- i was curious!

  6. I thought it was a t-storm, but then didn't hear any rain. Too bad I couldn't see it. Thanks for the info!

  7. we were having our wedding reception on a boat and saw these fireworks from the East River -- what a wonderful surprise!

  8. I got stuck in an hours worth of traffic because a few idiots decided to stop in the middle of the BQE to look at these god damn fireworks! Who the hell gets out of their car on the freakin' highway to look at fireworks?

  9. People who LOVE fireworks!

  10. Gordon! I love him! Any ideas about viewing this year's 4th of July fireworks? It seems they won't be very visible from Brooklyn this time.
