
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Should We Be in Afghanistan? Brooklyn Forum

An informational forum sponsored by Brooklyn For Peace:
Afghanistan: Should US troops be there? What will happen if we leave?
takes place Wednesday, June 24, 7 pm.

With Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story.

From the email:
Gould and Fitzgerald will explain how American actions today are connected to past miscalculations, and how U.S. policy puts both Afghans and Americans in danger. They will lead a discussion and answer your questions about the complicated tangle of political, cultural, and historical factors that combine to create the current situation.

The authors have been reporting from Afghanistan since 1981 for CBS, PBS, ABC. and other news organizations.

Brooklyn Friends Meeting House
110 Schermerhorn Street (corner of Boerum Place)
A/C/G to Hoyt Schermerhorn, 2/3/4/5/M/R to Court St/Boro Hall, Bus:
B24/26/27/28/37/41/75 to Downtown Brooklyn

Co-Sponsors: Fort Greene Peace; Peace and Social Action Committee of Brooklyn Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.

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