
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rowboat Rescue on East River Near DUMBO

Three rowboats and one kayak from the water education program Rocking the Boat, based in the Bronx, were rescued after running into trouble in the East River off Brooklyn this afternoon.

A motorized vessel belonging to the program roped the boats together and towed them south, escorted by NYPD Harbor unit 'Patrolman Walburger.' The current appeared to be quite strong in a northerly direction.

In the yellow rowboat, above, a man who appeared to be injured was stretched out in the back. He remained in this position the entire time the boats were in view.

Normally these boats operate up in Hunts Point Riverside Park. However, today is City of Water Day, a harbor wide event that fills the waters around Governors Island with hundreds of small vessels. 

Photos by MK Metz

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