
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wild Melee, Pepper Spray, Arrests at McCarren Pool in Brooklyn Tuesday Night

Photo above by NickyBalls on Twitter

Pepper spray filled the air as the NYPD arrested three youths at McCarren Pool Tuesday night in a wild melee, writes A Walk in the Park.

"During the melee police called for an 85 - additional units needed. An additional 20 officers arrived at the wild scene."

Witnesses told the NY Daily News the trouble started around 6:15 p.m. "when a group of boisterous teenagers began jeering and chanting at the deep end of the pool, which was packed to its 1,500-strong capacity on one of the year’s hottest days."

“You could tell something was going to happen. It was obvious. You just had that feeling in the air,” the witness told the Daily News.

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