
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Google Lists Its 'Most Searched' Trends for 2014; 'Mutant Giant Spider Dog' Heads YouTube Videos

"Mutant Giant Spider Dog" was the most searched for video in 2014, says Google.

Google has compiled its "most searched" trend lists for 2014 in a number of categories.

The most searched term overall this year was Robin Williams, the acclaimed comedian and actor who committed suicide in August. (Searches for World Cup, Ebola, Malaysia Airlines and ALS Ice Bucket Challenge followed Williams.)

The most searched person was actress Jennifer Lawrence (who is also 2014's highest grossing actress.)

Soccer player James Rodriguez was the most seaarched athlete.

In the consumer electronics category, the iPhone 6 was the term most searched on Google.

In terms of global news, Ebola led the list.

The most searched YouTube video? "Mutant Giant Spider Dog," embedded above. This video went viral, and now has roughly 122,964,896 views.

More of 2014's Google Trends.

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. The most searched person still living was actress Jennifer Lawrence.... Robin Williams is a person, or rather was.
