It seems that a nanny spilled boiling hot tea all over a baby in the Starbucks near Seventh Avenue in the Slope, causing second and third degree burns. A flyer pictured in Gawker describes the burns and asks for witnesses to the incident.
BAD nanny? Or just a horrible accident? The "I Saw Your Nanny" blog has the whole gamut of opinions about this one.
UPDATE: More TOXIC Brooklyn nannies were spotted at the main branch of the Brooklyn Library at Grand Army Plaza. The "I Saw Your Nanny Blog" reports:
"This is a warning to parents who live by Prospect Park/Grand Army Plaza out there: I have seen many, many nannies with children at the Brooklyn Public Library (main branch), hanging out with other nannies and not even paying attention to their children. Some do pay attention, but many of them don't and the babies and toddlers cry and cry for attention or to get out of their MacClaren strollers..." More here.
Photo by MK Metz
Is it just me, or does that nanny look a little scary?