
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rally in Support of Brooklyn's Arabic School Principal

Supporters of Brooklyn's Khalil Gibran International Academy -- the first Arabic dual language school in NYC -- have gotten a bit fed up with all the right-wing hysteria directed against their fledgling school.

Monday evening they held a rally in support of the school, and in particular, in support of Principal Debbie Almontaser, forced out because she didn't denounce a women's group's T-shirts.

Interestingly, one of the speakers, Rabbi Michael Feinberg, mentioned that the school’s principal opposition group, the Stop the Madrassa organization, is backed by three extremist right-wing organizations: the Gathering of Eagles; NY-ICE (New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement); and The United American Committee.

More here.

Previous postings:
- Brilliant or Crazy? Jewish Principal Appointed for Brooklyn's Arabic School
- Brooklyn's Arabic School Principal Resigns in 'I-Word' Flap
- Arabic-Themed School Finds a Home
- Brooklyn in Brief, Monday P.M.
- DOE to 'Cram' Arab-Themed School into Slope Elementary School

Photo by MK Metz


  1. In their "about" section they mention:
    "... regarding the creation of a new public school to teach Arabic history, culture and language... "

    But in their site title they have "Protecting Our Public Schools from Islamist Curricula"

    Just how clueless are these people about the difference between arabic history culture, language and Islam. What does the two have to do with each other? This is disgusting.

  2. The 'Stop the Madrassa' group's web site tells about how someone from the group attended a PTA meeting at M.S. 447 in Boerum Hill, where the Khalil Gibran academy will be housed. The "plant" pretended to be a parent! When the real parents' legitimate concerns (lack of locker space, etc.) were not found to be extreme enough, the plant started spreading lies and anti-Arabic school propaganda. Ex:
    "I waited for a parent to bring up serious concerns.
    When this didn�t happen I raised my hand.
    What I said was: ( I appeared as a concerned parent and a bit disingenuous)...
    'I also just read about a school in San Diego that tried this same experiment with an Arabic Cultural School and now they have Sharia law. Boys and girls are separated, there is Muslim prayer during classes, and Halal food in the cafeteria...'"
    ...The PTA president "asked me for my e-mail address which I gave with a fake first name."


  4. NYTimes - neutral but disinterested
    NYPost - blatantly racist, right wing
    Daily News - Neutral
    Brooklyn Eagle -- Neutral/supportive
    Brooklyn Paper -- wtf?
    NY Sun - a TOTAL embarrassment
    NY Amsterdam News - supportive

  5. I will give them F***ucking Intifada. I will take that Intifada and shake up their families. They only capable of doing one thing preaching hate and calling jews names behind close doors meanwhile State of NY and city of NY govern by two 2 Jews. You know what I was at my wife’s scholarship ceremony funded by Jews and organize by jews. Scholarship is design for young Jewish women who gets their degree in medicine field. So I decided to go with her to support her. In my mind I am thinking they will be giving scholarships only to young jewish women but I was shocked when I finally arrived. I saw male genger, different races blacks, a few muslims and Hispanics. I turn around to my wife and I say are we in right place she said yes. She told its always like that, obviously this was my first time coming to her scholarship award. I said to her, sweetheart isn’t this for jewish women. She said yes…..she told me that this organization does not want to discriminate any race. I said why not. I said to her if you would apply for black or Hispanic scholarship they would tell you, you not qualified. Jews always try to appease others in order to be fair. I say to that Screw you all. Meanwhile who world supports terrorist specially EU.

  6. That's pretty weird.
