
Monday, October 6, 2008

34th Atlantic Antic in Brooklyn: Massive Crowds, Good Times

The world's biggest and best street fair, the Atlantic Antic, drew hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to Brooklyn Sunday for entertainment and spectacle, good food and good times. More than a thousand vendors, almost every business on Atlantic, participated in the Antic.

This year there were ten stages hosting blues, rock, belly dancing, jazz, country, a Middle Eastern orchestra, and more. Above is the Maracatu drum corps.

Businesses opened their doors with special exhibitions, performances and book readings. The Transit Museum brought out 19 vintage buses and one brand new double-decker. The Brazen Head (above) attracted the beer drinking crowd.

There is so much to eat -- not the usual street fair fare -- the Atlantic Avenue LDC drew up a food map. Sahadi's served Middle Eastern delicacies, Brawta Cafe served jerk chicken and curried goat, vendors served things like roasted corn. Jolie served French food including roast pig, above.

The Rev. Herbert Daughtry of the House of the Lord Church spoke the Word as only he can, and the choir sang beautifully.

CitySweetTooth blogs about deserts.
"The Obama burger was the bite of the day," and more at Chowhound.
"Where are all the McCain shirts?" WhyAreYouYelling?

Photos by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. As usual there was no place to go to the toilet. Sure there is B&N on Court St,. but they can't handle "millions" (though I have my secret pee spots which I won't divulge) And truly I don't know about the moniker "world's biggest or for that matter "best." The world's a pretty big place. And there are at least a few places on earth where its nicer than Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn.

  2. Good thought. Next year we'll push for toilets. But come on, what street fair is bigger or better?
