
Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 Memorial Service and Unveiling at Brooklyn Heights Firehouse: Engine Company 205 / Ladder Company 118

FDNY members and brother firefighters from across the country and even from other nations attended the 9/11 memorial service Sunday at Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Brooklyn Heights.

The service brought together the families, friends and neighbors of the the Middaugh Street firehouse, Engine Company 205 / Ladder Company 118. Eight firefighters from here died on September 11, 2001.

"To those of us who lived through it, there's no need for a special anniversary," said John Sorrentino, now retired from Engine Co. 205, who spoke to the gathering. "We've gotten through this as a family. Why? Two words: Never forget."

It was very much a family get-together.

Old friends caught up with one another and saw how much the children had grown.

After the service, the congregation was invited back to the firehouse to witness the unveiling of the new memorial to honor Captain Martin Egan, Lt. Robert Regan, Lt. Robert Wallace, and firefighters Leon Smith, Vernon Cherry, Scott Davidson, Peter Vega and Joey Agnello.

If you lived in the neighborhood, you probably knew these guys -- especially if you have kids. These big guys would lift the kids up to sit inside the firetruck, explain how all the cool stuff worked, and let them wear their fire hats.

A slide show was running as part of the memorial. The men are all still so young and strong, while we have gotten ten years older.

Jim from Cranberry's cooked up a much-appreciated feast.

Firefighter Bobby Thomas (left) led the unveiling. It was Lt. Joseph Pisicolo's idea to have plaques made from John Sorrentino's eulogy to the lost fire fighters, which he wrote ten years ago.

It came out beautifully. If you are in the neighborhood stop at the firehouse and take a look at the memorial.

This will lift your mood -- It's a sincerely moving video from State Farm, which partnered with director Spike Lee to film this tribute to thank the heroes of New York. Nearly 150 school children from the New York City area visited four firehouses, including the Middagh Street house, and sang the New York song.

Download the full-track of Empire State of Mind (Part II) from iTunes at: Proceeds from the download benefit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (

Photos by MK Metz

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  1. To the wonderful men that went in when everyone was trying to come out. They are not forgotten and will always be in our hearts.
