
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Brooklyn's Trader Joe's To Keep Historical Touches, Including Haunted Bank Vaults

The new employees are working like little bees to get Brooklyn's new Trader Joe's ready for its Friday opening, says the Brooklyn Eagle.

Thanks goodness the store is keeping a lot of the historic touches from the building's old Independence Bank days: a plaque commemorating Washington’s victory and, in the interior, three antique chandeliers, some original marble paneling, and a gold-leaf plaque depicting “Prudence” and “Justice.”

Downstairs, two old vaults -- long rumored to be haunted -- have inexplicably been retained.

- Brooklyn Hearts Trader Joe's. Yar!
- Brooklyn Trader Joe's to Open IN TEN DAYS

- Wandering Zombi-Like Inside Brooklyn Trader Joe's, and Almost Working There
- Has Anybody Been Hired By Brooklyn Trader Joe's?
- A Peek Into Brooklyn Trader Joe's Cathedral of Commerce
- Is Atlantic Avenue's Key Food 'Trader Joe'sing?'
- All Trader Joe's posts at McBrooklyn

Photo by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. great, great great! Just please fix the clock! Right twice aday just doesn't cut it!

  2. It's not out of the goodness of their little trader hearts...this is a landmark building so they HAVE to keep historical details.

  3. Only on the outside. They could have put in a false ceiling and made two floors out of it.

  4. It's not surprising they left the vaults intact; the cost, damage, and time to remove them would be quite considerable. In fact, a number of businesses in former banking spaces have left their vaults untouched. Some places (Rothman's on Union Square comes to mind), even utilize their vaults as sales space!
