
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Big Hole In the 'Candy Factory' Roof -- Brooklyn

Sales were halted, the sales office was dismantled, lawsuits are flying-- Now there's a hole you could drive a Prius through in the roof of 20 Henry Street -- the "Candy Factory" building -- visible under the torn blue tarp in a photo published in today's Brooklyn Eagle.

Since the trouble began at 20 Henry, we've had rain, rain, rain.

Maybe that curse the exiled artists put on the place worked after all . . .

- 20 Henry Street Sales Office Dismantled
- Open House Party for 20 Henry Street, Brooklyn Heights
- 20 Henry Street Courtyard Plowed Under
- Work Begins at 114 Henry Street; DOB Disapproves Plans
- 20 Henry Street Was NOT On Fire
- High Winds Cause Scaffolding Problems in Brooklyn

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.

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