
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Has Anybody Been Hired By Brooklyn Trader Joe's?

We got an email from a Brooklyn Heights resident -- let's call him "Joe" -- who applied for a job as a Food Demonstrator at the soon-to-open Brooklyn Trader Joe's. This was more than a month ago.

Trader Joe's said they'd get back to him "in a couple of weeks" but he hasn't heard a word since. So he'd really like to know if anyone else has heard from them yet.

So please, anyone, if you've been contacted or have been hired already, let us know, so Joe can give up his Trader Joe's dream and move on with his life.

UPDATE: Sorry Joe -- it looks like the Trader Joe's ship is sailing without you. See:
Wandering Zombi-Like Inside Brooklyn Trader Joe's, and Almost Working There

- A Peek Into Brooklyn Trader Joe's Cathedral of Commerce
- Is Atlantic Avenue's Key Food 'Trader Joe'sing?'
- Brooklyn Trader Joe's! Apply This Week
- Trader Joe's Construction Begins: Brooklyn Roundup
- Trader Joe's Work Begins! Brooklyn Saved!
- Chunky Salsa Gets Closer: Landmarks Approves Brooklyn's Trader Joe's
- Trader Joe's: It's On the Map
- Trader Joe's to Open 'Late Spring?'
- The Future Trader Joe's
- Will Trader Joe's Be Haunted by the Spirits of Bankers Past?
- Everybody Gonna Hula to Brooklyn Trader Joe's
Sovereign Bank Moving to Make Room for Trader Joe's
- All Trader Joe's comments on McBrooklyn

Photo by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. This is looking bad ...

  2. Joe, get a hold of yourself. There are other food demonstrating jobs out there. The food court at the Queens mall, for example, offers little bites of chicken on toothpicks every day at lunch time. Hale and Heart Soups in Brooklyn Heights gives you that little taste of soup in the tiny plastic cup. It's not the end of the world, Joe. It's the beginning of the rest of your life.
