Friday, July 11, 2014

Everybody Wants the Comptroller and NYS A.G. to Investigate SUNY's Sale of LICH to Fortis

Brooklyn officials, community groups, church leaders, and even the NAACP are clammoring for the state Attorney General and Comptroller to investigate SUNY’s sale of Long Island College Hospital (LICH) to Fortis Property Group.

If the A.G. and Comptroller (who must sign off on the sale, which stinks to high heaven) ignore the stench coming from Brooklyn / Albany, God help the state.

Even Baptists from Buffalo weighed in:

Brooklyn Eagle: "Church leaders also sent letters to the Governor, A.G. and Comptroller, “asking them to hold off on the signing [approving the sale of LICH to Fortis] until a thorough investigation is conducted."

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.

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