Don't miss this fascinating, art-filled weekend: The Dumbo Arts Center's (DAC) 13th annual D.U.M.B.O. Art Under the Bridge Festival takes place from Sept. 25th to Sept. 27th.
DAC says:
The three-day multi-site neighborhood-wide event is a one-of-a-kind art happening: where serendipity meets the haphazard and where the unpredictable, spontaneous and downright weird thrive.
Art Under the Bridge is an opportunity for young artists to use any medium imaginable to create temporary projects on-the-spot everywhere and anywhere, completely transforming Dumbo.
In addition to the 80+ projects throughout the historical waterfront, visitors can tour local artists' studios or check out the indoor video_dumbo, a non-stop program of cutting-edge video art from New York City and around the world.

From the 2008 festival: The modified crane contraption above was called The Clone Corporation, by Kate Kaman and Joel Erland. Instead of toys, you tried to grab fetus sculptures. It cost two dollars per attempt.
Examples from this year's festival:
Welcome to NYC; Boomtown 2006 by Artcodex creates a commentary about the failing boom markets of art and real estate by recreating New York as a post goldrush town. Performance times: Sat. 12-2PM; Sun. 2-4PM
Ballooning Awareness is an interactive roaming performance by John Bonafede that prompts youngsters to answer the question: "What is climate change and what should we do about it?" Performance times: Sat. 12PM; Sun. 12PM
The Tree of Life: Reina Kubota’s plastic bag installation blooms under the night sky.
Stir Crazy: Come see Ryan Roth, forced by these economic times into the endangered, caged and untamed, business werewolf. Performance times: Fri. 8-9PM; Sat. 12-9PM; Sun. 12-9PM
Eco-disco: Join Scott Rummler at the disco and experience a dialogue between nature, technology, and culture.
Tercet: Throughout the streets, Angela Silver questions meaning in contemporary experience by usurping the ubiquitous traffic sign system and replacing the text with multi-lingual poetics.
The Red Arrow Project. Follow the arrows, find the kites, and see where they take you.
Christian Cerrito and Jennifer Fisher. Performance times: Sat. 12-6PM; Sun. 12-6PM
See the full schedule
UPDATE: See photos from the festival
Photos copyright MK Metz, 2007 - 2009
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