Tuesday, September 8, 2015

De Blasio's Affordable Housing Adenda Comes Home to Roost in Brooklyn

The “ULURP version” of the planned LICH development. Rendering courtesy of Williams New York
Mayor Bill de Blasio's affordable housing agenda has dropped a big, fat bomb in the middle of the once-quaint neighborhoods of Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights, not far from Mayor Bill de Blasio's home in Park Slope.

A rationale for the irrational (the Pier 6 towers, the Long Island College Hospital - LICH - skyscrapers, the Brooklyn Heights Library tower and other irresponsible Brooklyn developments) can be found in Bryan Burrough's article in Vanity Fair on de Blasio:

"... His agenda is one agenda and nothing else: income inequality and affordable housing. He doesn’t care about parks or potholes or anything else. He has two issues [income inequality and affordable housing] and two issues only."

"... But even more important is that the city’s builders love him, and they have always elected the mayor in New York City, by funneling more money than anyone else to their chosen candidate. Why do they love de Blasio? Because he doesn’t give a damn about urban planning, density, or architecture. He only cares about more affordable housing. For the builders that means they get to build an extra 20 floors and do it with fewer restrictions.”

Atlantic Yards Report adds:

"If only Burrough had actually delved into de Blasio's willingness to champion unaffordable affordable housing."

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