Monday, April 9, 2012

Blow-Out Crowd at Brooklyn Heights' Pierrepont Egg Hunt

A perfect storm of good weather, publicity and holiday spirits led to an ENORMOUS crowd at Pierrepont Playground's Spring Egg Hunt Saturday morning in Brooklyn Heights.

The line led from the the playground, along Pierrepont Place, past Montague Street, and all the way to Remsen Street.

The candy-filled eggs were quickly snatched up by the first wave of kids and parents, long before the second and third wave even got through the gates.

The grass section was reserved for younger children, where there was less competition.

The three-egg limit was not strictly adhered to -- though some parents did make their kids share.

Luckily, the cavalry -- in the form of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz -- arrived, armed with hundreds of cute stuffed bunnies.

Kids were thrilled and parents thankful.

And there were plenty of other fun activities to enjoy, like face painting and a bake sale put on by members of the Brooklyn Heights Playground Committee.

Families lined up for face painting.

Monkey Monkey Music entertained the crowd with upbeat, kid-oriented rock.

Heights Kids decorated the playground with colorful balloons, and Lassen & Hennigs provided coffee.

Because of the beautiful weather the Pierrepont egg hunt drew a bigger crowd than last week's soggy Spring Fling at Brooklyn Bridge Park, which has a lot more room for these crowds. The egg hunt at BBP in 2008 drew more than 10,000 people!

A similar huge crowd packed Pierrepont in 2010, when there was no egg hunt at all in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Karl Junkersfeld’s created a video of the scene, posted at the Brooklyn Heights Blog.

- Brooklyn Heights Spring Egg Hunt 2011
- Egg Hunt at Plymouth Church, 2011 
- Brooklyn Heights Sprint Egg Hunt 2010
- Egg Hunt at Plymouth Church, 2009 
- Egg Hunt at BBP, 2008 

Photos by MK Metz

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