Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brooklyn Bridge Park CAC Resolves to Halt Construction on Pierhouse, Pier 6

A show of hands during the CAC vote. Photo: MK Metz
At the end of an hours-long and sometimes rowdy meeting of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Community Advisory Council (CAC) Tuesday night in Brooklyn Heights, members of the CAC passed a (non-binding) resolution calling for a halt on construction of two major development projects in the park: Pierhouse (the hotel/condo complex at Pier 1), and the Pier 6 towers, not yet under construction.

For full details of the meeting:

Brooklyn Bridge Park CAC calls for halt on Pierhouse, Pier 6 [Brooklyn Eagle]

Brooklyn Bridge Park CAC Asks for Construction Halt, New Environmental and Financial Studies [Brooklyn Heights Blog]

Battle Over Pierhouse's View-Blocking Height Rages On [Curbed]

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