Friday, May 23, 2008

Marty Markowitz Approves Carroll Gardens Narrow Streets Zoning

CORD sends us news Friday afternoon that the Borough President has approved the Carroll Gardens Zoning Text Amendment.

The amendment would correct the "unintended consequence of the application of the wide street definition" to the narrow residential streets of Carroll Gardens. These streets are presently misclassified as wide because they have large front yards, pretty unusual in this city. Builders can generally build taller buildings on wide streets -- and builders have been lining up to do so.

The text amendment would limit the size of new buildings (and enlargements) to more closely match the area's prevailing character.

The next step is the City Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, June 4th at 10 a.m., at 22 Reade Street, and then the City Council.

- New, Improved Renderings of Planned 360 Smith Street in Carroll Gardens
- A List of Questions
- Carroll Gardens Landmarking Meeting
- DeBlasio to Meet with 360 Smith Street Petition Signers
- Size DOES Matter on Second Place
- Brooklyn Wednesday in Brief
- Smith Street: Zombies? Performance Art?
- 'Stop Scarano' Rally at DOB Today
- Brooklyn's Smith Street Today
- 'Protect Our Homes in Carroll Gardens' Petition

Photo by MK Metz

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